Dev Test 10-10-23 Changes


  • MP5 (Fully automatic, 800 RPM, 20 damage per shot, 30 round mag)
  • USP (Single shot primary fire (400 RPM, 25 damage per shot), Fully automatic secondary fire (1200 RPM, 12 damage per shot), 15 round mag)
  • Recoil. (Currently very random and not tied to the gun but this will change)
  • Walking. (Limits movement speed to 50% of the default max speed) (Shift)
  • Health.
  • Training dummies. (Really just untextured pills for testing the guns, BUT they fall over!)


  • Crouching in mid-air no longer limits movement speed. (This can be achieved by walking)
  • Changed the mouse binding for Interact from Right Mouse to Middle Mouse.
  • Radio can be disabled by shooting it. (But why would you want to do that?)
  • Area Triggers now have a mesh to show their bounds in editor.
  • Added current weapon information to the debug info.


  • Fixed the viewmodel intersecting with the environment by moving it to a separate render layer. 
  • Fixed the viewmodel being useless by adding guns.

Files 41 MB
Oct 11, 2023

Get Gout

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